Enter your salary, adjust the settings and see the results in the summary below.
Enter how much you earn per year
Super Guarantee of $6,900 is paid on top of your $60,000 annual salary
Use these features to customise the calculations to your circumstances. The highlighted sections indicate that an adjustment has been made.
Annual Pay Calculation
52 weeks/year 26 fortnights/year
Australian income is levied at progressive tax rates. Tax bracket start at 0%, known as the tax-free rate, and increases progressively up to 45% for incomes over $180,000. In addition to income tax, there are additional levies such as Medicare. Individuals on incomes below $18,200 are also entitled to the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset (LMITO). Tax rates vary depending on residential status.
Use the table below to see how the current tax rates are calculated.
The drivers of the economy are great and varied, however a useful measure of how the economy affects living standards is inflation, and specifically the consumer price index. Economic inflation has an effect on the cost of living such that when inflation increases the cost of consumer goods and services also increases. In order to balance income with living costs, income also needs to change to absorb any rise. Inflation data has been sourced from RBA Economic outlook and historic CPI Inflation. By comparison, the Wage Price Index is included in order to approximate the apparent difference between wages and cost of living.
Use this calculator to see the impact of inflation on your pay in real terms. Input the date of your last pay rise, and find out how your salary has been affected by inflation.
This chart shows how your income compares to that of other Australians. The data presented in this chart is derived from the ATO percentile distribution dataset. The graph illustrates the changes in incomes over a decade and provids an interesting perspective on the personal income landscape in Australia. The percentile range divides the population into 100 equally sized groups based on income, and additionally segmenting each percentile by gender ratio.
Repayment thresholds and rates for all student loans including HELP, HECS, VET, SSL, ABSTUDY, TSL and SFSS are updated annually. Since July 2019 all types of student loan and the Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS) have been consolidated under the same repayment threshold. Use the chart below to see how your salary effects you loan repayments. Refer to the ATO for a table of thresholds and rates.
Student loans undergo annual indexing to preserve their value relative to the consumer price index. Normally, this indexing rate is around 2%; however, in 2023, it increased to 7.1%. Refer to the current indexation rates to see how these rates are applied. Additionally, repayment thresholds are also adjusted to align with inflation.
Use this tool to calculate how long it will take to repay your loan. Input your current loan amount as it is today.
The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is accessible to eligible parents based on their income level and the number of children under their care, subject to specific eligibility conditions. Payments under the subsidy are directly made to the child care provider.